Saturday, November 17, 2018

AWS 21 Database - RDS

There are 5 types of Databases


1) RDS - Regular Relational Database System
              Structured DB. 
              SQL, Oracle, Mysql, Postgres, AWS Aurora ( mysql flavor), Maria DB

2) DynamoDB - This is a NoSQL Database ( Similar to Cassandra and Mongo )
3) ElastiCache - In memory DB used for caching by websites ( Redis and Memcached )
4 )Neptune - (Graph Database - Very New )
5) Amazon RedShift ( Used for Dataware housing )

Heavily used Databases are   RDS, DynamoDB and Amazon RedShift.

RDS is platform as a service  ( PAAS )
AWS Takes cares of the Database
          They are responsible for maintaining it
          Ready made service
          PAAS is a furnished house, we do not have control over it
No Chance for customization as needed.

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